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I wrote this piece for it to be featured on this ePortfolio, hoping my vision of it aiding my audience in understanding a little bit more about me and why I write would ring true. I am joining an ongoing conversation that every writer must articulate in order for his/her reader to fully grasp where his/her argument stems from. Hopefully, after reading this my readers might be intrigued enough to keep perusing through my work! My challenge here came in the form of creating a new definition for myself. We all have a series of "I am ____" statements that together encompass our identity. Before writing this, I knew that I was a reader. And because of that, I am now a writer. I didn't know how to translate this into an effective "Why I Write" artifact. Yet, as always, by simply translating my thoughts onto paper (computer screen), I discovered more about myself and my motivations than I have in a while.


As a note to my readers, here I have also included my pre-writing, first draft, second draft, and feedback I received for this piece. By no means is there any obligation to click on those buttons - I am a perfectionist by nature and thus would have been happy with only including my final draft. However, the writing process is as important as the finished product, so depending on your dedication to this ideal, choose as you wish. 

Why I Write
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